


女孩應該明白的是:氣質比年齡重要,微笑比顏值重要,開心比愛情重要。  Girls should understand that temperament is more important than age, smile is more important than face value, and happiness is more important than love。


那個男孩,我陪他成熟,他愛上別人。  That boy, I mature with him, he falls in love with others。


願你眼中有星星,心中有山海。從那時起,你將把夢想當馬,永不失去青春。  May there be stars in your eyes and mountains and sea in your hearts。 From then on, you will treat your dreams as horses and never lose your youth。


嘴上說我愛你,卻沒有實際行動的人,就像一個從不澆花的人說自己愛花,愛是動詞,行動才是愛最好的說明書。 A person who says I love you, but has no actual action, is like a person who never waters flowers and says that he loves flowers。 Love is a verb, and action is the best manual of love。


