


我們所說的“網際網路+”時代的英語“學習力”指的就是Yahoo is everything,就好比“度娘”一樣,Yahoo可以讓我們“探索發現求證”某句英語“怎麼說”。






Look at mirror,look in mirror,look into mirror我們應該“都會”吧?



二、Yahoo look at mirror look in mirror look into mirror



1) 這是有關英語學習的,用英語怎麼說都很簡單,如果直接“都能懂”就沒必要再翻譯成中文“才能懂”了。這樣一來你可以“記住”更多的英語:

You can use all sorts of prepositions with “look” and “mirror。” They have different shades of meaning。

-You can look at a mirror, meaning you are looking at the mirror itself and not necessarily the reflection therein。

-You can look in a mirror when you‘re shaving to make sure you didn’t miss a spot。

-You can look into a mirror, or gazing at the mirror,forgetting your surroundings and getting lost in the image。


1。Okay。I got you。You can say You look at a mirror, that means you are looking at the mirror itself,just like looking at a door,looking at a book,and so on。

2。Okay。I got you。When we say We look in a mirror,we mean We‘re looking AT OURSELVES in the mirror。So we can simply say We look(at ourselves) IN the mirror。


2) 這是Yahoo到的別人的正常使用(Yahoo到的任意一篇文章):

When You Look in the Mirror?

Recognizing yourself is more complicated than you’d think。

口語練習:Okay。I got you。If you want to look at yourself in the mirror(for dressing,for shaving,for example),you can say You look in the mirror。

