
大家好,歡迎來的餅哥英語口語的頻道,今天我們分享一個非常有用且地道的口語表達——人生短暫,藝術長存, 這個短語的英文表達是:

art is long and life is short 人生短暫,藝術漫長

As I‘ve gotten older, I’ve been painting more because I know that art is long and life is short。


Alan: You ought to do something besides paint pictures in your spare time。 Come out with us, have some fun。


Bob: Having fun will not win me immortality。 Only my paintings can do that。 Art is long and life is short。


I always feel a sense of awe when I look at the Babylonian statues in the art museum。 They were made thousands of years ago。 Art is long and life is short。


