
越來越清楚自己想要什麼 話到嘴邊什麼也說不出來 沒意思。

More and more clear what they want to say。 It‘s boring to say nothing

你沒有如期歸來 這正是離別的意義

You didn’t come back as scheduled。 That‘s the meaning of parting


如果我一直等你 一直不戀愛 不嘴硬 不說反話 我會等到你嗎 會嗎。

If I have been waiting for you, have not been in love, do not speak hard, do I wait for you


We have all enjoyed the expression of hidden love in a crowd of friends


我還是想等 等你真正的喜歡我

I still want to wait for you to really like me

印著謝謝參與的飲料瓶蓋不要扔 可以寄給那些進入過你的生活又慢慢離開的朋友

Don’t throw away the beverage bottle cap with thank you for participating printed on it。 You can send it to friends who have entered your life and left slowly


要是人和人之間的關係也能恢復出廠設定就好了 我想重新認識你 以更好的方式

If only the relationship between people could be restored to the factory settings, I want to know you again in a better way


次次說 次次道歉 次次不改 這就是你愛我的方式

Say again and again, apologize again and again。 That‘s the way you love me


I have loved you for a long time in the name of a friend


Perhaps the most stable relationship is that it doesn’t matter


沒關係啦 至少我知道你的名字 聽過你的聲音 也陪你聊過天 感受過你的溫柔 我們就這樣遺憾收場吧

It doesn‘t matter。 At least I know your name。 I’ve heard your voice, talked with you and felt your tenderness。 Let‘s end with regret

希望你好 希望你順利 希望你不要受傷 有小坎坷也能化險為夷 希望你在我看不見的地方也要熠熠生輝 歲歲平安

I hope you are well。 I hope you don’t get hurt。 You can save yourself from a little rough。 I hope you will shine and be safe where I can‘t see you


枕頭裡藏滿了發黴的夢 評論藏滿了得不到的人

The pillows are full of moldy dreams and people who can’t get them


In fact, many people are loving each other in the name of friends。
