
我可以明目張膽的 想你 卻不能明目張膽的 去找你 我可以明目張膽的 喜歡你 卻不能明目張膽的 擁有你

I can openly miss you, but I can‘t openly find you。 I can openly like you, but I can’t openly have you


Romance remains unchanged until death, but from today on, we have a long way to go and have no intersection。


保持清醒 尤其是在愛裡,愛與不愛都沒有合適重要。

Stay awake, especially in love。 Love and non love are not appropriate and important。

花還會重新開的 不同的春來了又來

The flowers will bloom again。 Different spring comes again and again

在長大 在失去 在努力 在接受 在好好生活。

Growing up, losing, trying, accepting, living a good life



I think all people are like you, but none of them are you。

你我平安喜樂就好了 在不在一起真的沒那麼重要了

If only you and I were safe and happy, it really doesn‘t matter whether we are together or not


你沒發現我變了很多嗎 醋也不吃了 氣也不生了 和你的話題越來越少 對你也越來越失望了 我們快走散了。

Haven’t you noticed that I‘ve changed a lot? I’m not jealous, angry or angry。 I have fewer and fewer topics with you。 I‘m more and more disappointed with you。 We’re leaving soon


有一天 小熊在洗衣服 可是有一個地方怎麼洗也洗不乾淨 熊媽媽說你認真搓 小熊紅著眼睛說搓過啦搓過啦。

One day, the little bear was washing clothes, but there was a place that couldn‘t be cleaned。 The mother bear said you rubbed it seriously。 The little bear said with red eyes that it rubbed it



May we shine where we can’t see each other


I don‘t need to be in anyone’s plan

熱烈的乍見之歡很容易 溫柔的久處不厭最難得。

Warm love at first sight is easy, and gentle love for a long time is the most rare

還是別見面了 一個淚流滿面 一個無動於衷。

Let‘s not meet。 One is full of tears and the other is indifferent
