「寫作專區」鄧逸騁 The dream

「寫作專區」鄧逸騁 The dream

「寫作專區」鄧逸騁 The dream

「寫作專區」鄧逸騁 The dream

「寫作專區」鄧逸騁 The dream

The dream

四(3)班 鄧逸騁

One day, l was reading the book: Secret of the Bell。 Suddenly, the magic pen took me to a castle。 In front of the door, there were three traps ln there。

「寫作專區」鄧逸騁 The dream

Next to the door, I saw an old woman。 “Warrior, can you help me look for a magic crystal bell? Many good people want to have it” She said。“Yes, l can!”l called。 It was time to start the adventure!

The first trap was the Lava。 I jumped in it。 I found the Lava was not hot! But there wasn’t the magic crystal bell。

「寫作專區」鄧逸騁 The dream

I went to the second trap ——the desert。 I found it was cool, it was not hot and dry! But there wasn’t the magic crystal bell!

「寫作專區」鄧逸騁 The dream

I went to the third trap—— the ice city。 I ran into it。 I found the ice city was warm and small! And, I found the magic crystal bell!

「寫作專區」鄧逸騁 The dream

Suddenly, I waked up。 Oh, It was just a dream!

「寫作專區」鄧逸騁 The dream


有一天,我在看那本書 《鈴鐺的秘密》。突然,魔法筆把我帶到了一座城堡裡。門前有三個陷阱。

在門的旁邊,我看到一個老婦人。“大俠,你能不能幫我找一個魔晶鍾? 她說:”是的,我可以!“我叫道。我叫道:”是時候開始冒險了!


我來到了第二個陷阱——沙漠。我發現那裡很涼爽,不熱不燥! 但是沒有魔晶鍾!

我去了第三個陷阱——冰城。我跑進了它。我發現冰城很溫暖,而且很小! 而且,我還找到了魔晶鍾!


「寫作專區」鄧逸騁 The dream



「寫作專區」鄧逸騁 The dream

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