


總有一個男孩看向你的眼神是化不開的溫柔 There is always a boy who looks at you with an indelible tenderness


山野千里 你是我藏在雲彩的浪漫 Chisato Yamano, you are my romance hidden in the clouds


我生命中最大突破之一,就是不再為別人對我的看法而擔憂。只有在我們不需要外來的讚許時,我們才會變得自由。  One of the biggest breakthroughs in my life is to stop worrying about what others think of me。 Only when we do not need external approval will we become free。


相信流星劃過的方向 朝著那個方向奔跑 就能與你相遇  I believe that the direction the meteor traverses will run into that direction and meet you


